Thursday, 2 January 2020

What is the Basic Purpose of Umrah in Islam?

Allah Almighty had made some prayers compulsory on Muslims. We believe in getting great rewards of these prayers only from Allah Almighty at the Judgment Day. Although, Umrah is not compulsory in Islam on a Muslim yet it has many great benefits. No Muslim would like to miss the chance to grab a cheap Umrah package to obtain amazing rewards.

Some of the Great Purposes of Umrah Performance

1. Expiation of previous sins

Umrah is a great source of removing past sins. In a hadith, it is described that Allah Almighty give all the past minor sins that occurs between two consecutive Umrah performances. Muslims are advised to follow up the maximum Umrah performance that they can afford easily.

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that The Prophet (SAW) said,” An Umrah to another Umrah will be the redemption of sins for whatever (minor) occurs between them.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

2. Be the Guest of Allah Almighty and Respond to His Call

The Holy Kaabah is also known as ‘House of Allah Almighty’. Anyone who goes there with the intention of performing Umrah or Hajj is considered as the guest of Allah. Allah Almighty is the creator of the whole universe and how He will bestow his guests. This situation is clearly described in a hadith.

3. Removes Poverty and Strengthens You Financially

 If someone spends his/her energy and wealth to perform either Hajj or Umrah Allah Almighty gives him/her more than he/she had spent. If you certainly perform Hajj or Umrah for the sake of Allah Almighty He will give amazing reward for that deed.

As Umar bin Khattab (RA) said that Nabi (SAW) said, “Follow up between the Hajj and Umrah because certainly succession between the two of them increases the life span and dispels poverty and sins as fire removes impurities.” (Baihaqi)

4. Get Rewards Equal to Jihad

Allah Almighty has set the rewards of Umrah equal to Jihad for specific persons. These include women, an aged person or a physically weak person that can’t take part in jihad. All of these can get the rewards of Jihad by performing Umrah.

In another Hadith, Ibne Umar (RA) narrates that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “The warrior in the cause of Allah, the pilgrim and the one who is performing Umrah are all the delegation of Allah. He called them and they responded and they will ask of His bestowals and He will give it to them.” (Ibne Majah,Ibne Hibbaan)

5. Rewards of Jannah – if someone dies during Hajj or Umrah

If someone dies during Hajj or Umrah he/she will go directly to Jannah on the Day of Judgment. As Aisha (RA) said that Nabi (SAW) said, “Whoever leaves his home only for the purpose of Hajj or Umrah and he dies, nothing will be presented to him nor will he have any accountability on the Day of Judgment and it will be said to him, enter into Jannah.” (Tabraani Baihaqi)

6. Increases your Faith in Islam

Umrah and Hajj both are a great source to strengthen our faith in Allah Almighty and Islam. When we do Hajj or Umrah rituals in the house of Allah we become closer to God and ask forgiveness from Him. This spiritual state can’t be achieved anywhere else. It nourishes your faith.

These are some of the basic purposes of Umrah performance. In short, we perform Umrah just for the sake of our Allah Almighty and to ask forgiveness of our sins. Umrah has countless benefits for a Muslim. All you have to do is find the best Umrah agents UK and book your Umrah.